2012 Section 1

Here you'll find our worked solutions to the 2012 Section 1 paper. This is probably going to be the only section 1 paper we offer free solutions for online, the reason being that they take absolutely ages to work through and type out in an understandable format.

Although we think that our method for most of the questions is the most efficient, there may be the odd question for which you find a better/quicker way of doing things. If that's the case then please do stick to your own way of doing it - our word isn't gospel truth. Having said that, looking through our solutions is pretty helpful if a) you don't know how to do some of the questions, or b) just to see how someone else did them - it might give you tips for next time.

We've tried our best to explain our reasoning behind the answers we got. If you find something unclear, or would like to run a different/better method past us, then please drop us an email and we'll check it out.

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The BMAT Crash Course is an intensive, one-day BMAT preparation course run by experienced medical students. We've recently been through the system and can teach you everything you need to know (and more) to maximise your score in the BMAT. Please visit our homepage, or click one of the links below to find out more.